2016 Foals are on hitting the ground and we will have many colors to choose from.
Hi my name is Kris and my husband is George..We welcome you to look around our site...Hope you enjoy looking at our site...There
are lots of pictures to see....If you see anything here that interest you feel free to ask about them..Any horse can be bought
for the right price.
Pictured Above our nice 2015 Foal crop
Pictured Above Mesa 2015 Grulla Filly..
My Grand Kids LOVE them to Pieces..

click on the Puppy picture to go to
our puppy site..
PIctured Above KITS RED BUCK aka Bubb in New Mexico on April 23rd
Pictured Above Tigger our Smokey Grulla
HZ Black Stallion
"***Do to others as you would have them do to you***"
Zena our Goofy Shepherd...
Pictured Above APHA Harlans Dude....Who is no longer with
us..we miss him greatly he was the life of the party quit a personality..
2013 Babies..
Zena says Ha Ha I got the ball..cant catch
Pictured Above...Kits Red Buck AQHA Dunskin Gelding..
Pictured Above...AQHA TGI Friday 1991 Red Dun Gelding..Picture taken summer
of 2010...

"America Needs God more than God needs America...
If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God..
Then we will be a Nation gone under..."
Ronald Reagan...
*****There comes a point in your life when you realize****
Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't
make it to your future.
We are verified through Paypal ....There is a 3.5 % fee
to use paypal..Through Paypal you can use a credit card or bank account to make a deposit and payments..It is very easy and
convenient to use...
Were Quality
and Color have come together..with foundation bloodlines...We truely believe in the foundation breeding after all that is
were they started..The original QH that could do it all..

" Freedom is not something to be secured in any one moment of time..We
Must struggle to preserve it everyday..And freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction "
Ronald Reagan
Very Important..The difference between
animal rights and animal welfare. More info on the horse slaughter issue ...Link Below..
Horse Slaughter
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose
our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~ Abraham Lincoln
God gave us time so
that everything
happen all at once.